The Ancient Egyptian Collection of the Odessa Archaeological Museum

                                                 a photographic study made by
                     The Centre for Egyptological Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

                                                      in  September 2000
            The Ancient Egyptian Gallery in the Odessa Archaeological Museum of the Ukraine Academy of Sciences
Photos by CESRAS Research Fellow Sergej V. Ivanov, 2000;                                                           Digital processing by CESRAS Research Fellow Edward R. Loring, Site Editor
                                                                            Intellectual property of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Centre for Egyptological Studies, Moscow R. F.
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This photo illustrates the difficulties facing a photographer while documenting the artifacts on display.
The lighting could hardly be worse. The show-cases, made in the Soviet Period, could not be opened.
Below is an example of general photographic conditions: original photos and the same after processing.
Sarcofagus of Petosiris, limestone, early Ptolemaic Period
Provenance probably Thebes
Odessa Archaeological Museum no. 52925
B/H no. 43, p.33; plate 59
updated 27 September, 2013/erl