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                                                       Russian Academy of Sciences
                              Centre for Egyptological Studies, Moscow (CESRAS)
                                                                                            Russian Institute of Egyptology in Cairo (RIEC)
       G. Elliot Smith, The Royal Mummies, Catalogue Général du Musée du Caire, Nos 61051-61100, Cairo 1912

                                              Mummy Parts of King Seqenenre                    

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Mummy-parts of King Seqenenre, late 17th Dynasty prior to 1550 BCE, Thebes, Either
killed by many blows to the head in battle against the Hyksos and their allied forces, or
murdered. This an open matter of discussion. There is absolutely no proof of either
version. Several wounds were caused by an Asiatic weapon, one by an Egyptian
weapon. See Smith's pathological/forensic description. Remains found in the Royal
Cachette TT320
(DB320) in 1881, Mummy and Coffin in Egyptian, Cairo, CG61051..
"Thumbnail" unedited scans of Smith's original plates.
(1912) Click on image for full-sized views.