Russian Academy of Sciences
                                      Centre for Egyptological Studies, Moscow (CESRAS)
                                                                                   Russian Institute of Egyptology in Cairo (RIEC)
                    Research on the Funerary Art of the 21a Theban Dynasty of Payanch and Personages of that Period  (1070-945 BCE)

                   Daressy, Georges:  Les Cercueils des Prêtres d'Ammon (Deuxième Trouvaille de Deir el-Bahari)         

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Editor's note for those who do not read
older French: to make the following lists
clear(er): it's not a translation.  Daressy
speaks in the first person to make it more
real. He was there and will tell us about it, so
let's listen...  

"In the tomb I made a list of the coffins in the
order of their removal. This is
list A which I
have always used to designate mummies &
their related objects..
At the pithead while the objects were being
prepared daily for transport to the Nile, Mr.
Bouriant made a different report of the finds.
I call this
list B. It has a greater number of
entries than mine, because it includes all
manner of funerary equipment together with
the coffins. This list will never be complete
because many objects, both alone, or
packed in closed cases were not noted.

At the Museum of Giza the principle coffins,
the most attractive, or the best conserved,
were listed in the
Book of entries (JE) which
gave a third number of 134 coffins, some of
which, having been nested and separated to
facilitate the transport were entered under
several numbers.

Notice  of the antiquities of the
Museum of Giza
, prepared by Mr Virey,
mentions 41 coffins, but many parts of the
same coffin exhibited separately were given
different numbers.

Daressy / Bouriant
A       B