Russian Academy of Sciences
                                          Centre for Egyptological Studies, Moscow (CESRAS)
 Russian Institute of Egyptology in Cairo (RIEC)
              G. Elliot Smith, The Royal Mummies, Catalogue Général du Musée du Caire, Nos 61051-61100, Cairo 1912

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NOTE: each web-page in this section contains 5 of Smith's printed pages formatted from top to bottom as a single page. In
most cases you will have to scroll down in order to find the inventory number which you click on the list at right. Should
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Link to text with link to mummy
Nedjemet, wife of HPA & "King" Herihor
Maatkaraw, God's Wife of Amun and her pet monkey, not queen
Henuttauy, wife of HPA & King Paynedjem I Chacheperraw
Tayuheret, wife of HPA Masaharta
HPA Masaharta
Isetemcheb D, sister-wife of HPA Paynedjem II, not queen
HPA Paynedjem II
Nesychonsw, niece-wife of HPA Paynedjem II, not queen
Nesytanebetisherw, daughter of HPA Paynedjem II