Russian Academy of Sciences
                                 Centre for Egyptological Studies, Moscow (CESRAS)
                                                                           Russian Institute of Egyptology in Cairo (RIEC)
                  Research Project on the Contents of the "Royal Cache" TT320 (also called DB320), Deir el-Bahari, Thebes

   Gaston Maspero: LES MOMIES ROYALES DE DEIR EL-BAHARI, Paris, 1889

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Maspero's historical text is in the Public Domain, a virtual space in which everything belongs to everyone and commerce is forbidden.  In this section of our site, all with the exception
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Here is a short Editor's Preface;
It is not seldom that we are asked why we invest much time and effort, publishing texts from the childhood of our science.
All of these early works contain
serious mistakes and errors. Students must take care and, when possible, professional advice when using this material. The CESRAS Team at is always happy to help you. These historic texts from the Catalogue Général of the National Museum in Cairo are the works of people
who lived in the 19th century, who were there when Egyptology was born. We are dealing with first-hand observations recorded in books to which few
have access. Our purpose and goal is to give all people of all nations equal access to these documents, the words of  Egyptology's parents.
There are always two of Maspero's printed pages on one web page (scroll down); all bright blue underlined items are LINKS (click)