Russian Academy of Sciences
                                 Centre for Egyptological Studies, Moscow (CESRAS)
                                                                       Russian Institute of Egyptology in Cairo (RIEC)
              Research on the Funerary Art of the 21a Theban Dynasty of Payanch and Personages of that Period  (1070-945 BCE)
                           Bab el-Gasus, "the 2nd Cache"  

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Bab el-Gasus, a tomb in the Deir el-Bahari section of the Theban Necropolis, was discovered and its contents
removed in 1891, ten years after the emptying of the "Royal Cache", TT320 (DB320). It is frequently referred to in
egyptological literature as the "2nd Cache", or the "Tomb of the Priests and Priestesses of Amun" (see Porter-Moss
I, Part II, pp. 630-642). It had been constructed as a pit-tomb in the 11th Dynasty and was re-used in the early 22nd
Dynasty, probably during the reign of the Tanite king Scheschonq I. in the same manner as TT320 to hide and secure
the collected plundered remains of earlier burials. Such remains found in Bab el-Gasus were those of lower ranking
persons, but did include children of the High Priests of Amun (HPA).


   Daressy G. Les Sépultures des Prètres d'Ammon à Deir el-Bahari, ASAE 1, Cairo 1900, pp. 141-148

 Daressy G. Les Cercueils des Prètres d'Ammon (Deuxième Trouvaille de Deir el-Bahari)