Russian Academy of Sciences
                                   Centre for Egyptological Studies, Moscow (CESRAS)
                                                                                               Russian Institute of Egyptology in Cairo (RIEC)
                                Research on the Funerary Art of the 21a Theban Dynasty of Payanch and Personages of that Period  (1070-945 BCE)


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Inner Coffin of Shebti, Chantress, 21a Dynasty, Bab el-Gasus, Cairo JE29711
Cairo: JE29711_Shebti, Chantress of Amun, 21a Dynasty, Thebes: found in the "Second Cache", Bab el-Gasus in 1891: Scene from right-side foot of
inner coffin tub, the standard place (right or left) for the Hathor Cow emerging from the West Mountain, showing tomb, Anubis and the goddess Neith as a
winged protective serpent. There is jubilation; Shebti has passed the all-important test of having her heart weighed by Anubis against the feather of Maat,
Goddess of truth. Toth sits above the scales in his form as a baboon. Shebti appears reborn as an Osiris child from the gestation coffer where her mortal
remains were transformed. Thereafter, as a lady, she is brought before the throning Osiris by Horus and Toth in anthropoid form with the terrible deity
Ammit who tears and eats evil hearts which do not pass the test (she always goes hungry). Osiris sits throning with Nephtys standing behind him to
receive the good Shebti in the Netherworld, his kingdom. This is a very popular scene and is found in various forms on many coffins of the period.
Phases in the reconstruction of a "yellow coffin" scene. (Shebti, inner coffin, right side)
At left is what a museum visitor sees. At right the scene has been lightened, making
most of the true original visible. Below is the reconstructed scene as it appeared when
the painter was finished and no varnish had been applied.